We stake our reputation on trust and integrity.

Our founder, Jody Baden, was shocked to learn that her requirements to run for School Board in Washoe County, Nevada, were as simple as presenting a driver’s license and a check for the filing fee. This requirement goes for almost all elected offices—those running don’t even need to be registered voters! At least in Nevada, they do have to be “eligible to vote.”

As the political dishonesty reached epidemic proportions in the 2020 election, Jody knew something had to be done. But how do you prevent politicians from lying to voters when a job at Walmart has more regulation than political offices?

A voluntary background check is the answer. It would push elected officials to disclose their criminal records and verify employment, education, and professional licensing. Basically, this is a resume verification and a criminal history check.

Now, voters can decide.

You won’t have to rely on biased media or opposition research for basic information about a candidate. The Transparency In Politics Certification Seal shows that the candidate has provided an accurate background check for public review. You’ll be able to make a more informed decision about your voting choices and create change from the grassroots level.

Democracy only functions properly when voters are informed – with Transparency in Politics, you can rest assured that you’re making a choice based on a candidate’s integrity.

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How does TIP help voters?

Our goal at Transparency In Politics is to help voters make better decisions based on facts.

Feeling overwhelmed about your voting choice is normal. From spending time researching a candidate’s policy goals to wondering if the information is even accurate, many voters feel out of control of the process and skeptical about their own choices.

It’s tough to know who is trustworthy.

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Meet the team

Madeleine McCarthy

Intern, Boston University

John Strom

SCORE Mentor

Yolandé Dugmore

Website Design & Tech Support
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Alicia Zaklan

Business Consultant

Pete Shimshock

Mill Pond Research

Spencer Englert

Intern, Davidson College

Jody Baden

Founder, CEO